Food - Introduce raw and wholefoods into your diet graduallly
Raw food is food in it’s most natural, unprocessed and where possible, uncooked form – the way nature intended. Nowadays, as our lives get busier we find ourselves eating on the go and the easiest way to do it is to grab something that’s prepared (and with preservatives and 10 additional ingredients that aren't necessary). Anything packaged is pretty much likely to be processed and therefore harder for the body to actively digest. This results in that sluggish feeling… all the time!
Raw or wholefoods can consist of any of the following:
- fruits (frozen or fresh)
- vegetables (frozen or fresh)
- nuts (unsalted)
- seeds
- non-gluten grains (buckwheat, brown or wild rice, quinoa)
- sprouted beans
- lentils
- mung beans
- fresh fish / lean meats
- eggs
- honey
- fermented foods (pro-biotic dairy, miso, sauerkraut) etc
Try to avoid the following items which are so easy to pick up when grocery shopping:
- fruit juices
- vegetable juices
- canned fruit / veg
- bacon & sausages
- frozen fish fingers
- frozen burgers
- ice cream
- sweetened yoghurts
Try to include raw foods in your meals for a couple of weeks and see the difference in your energy and how you feel physically. You don’t have to go all in, but try and buy a couple of raw or wholefoods in your next shop and eat them in that form i.e. avoid buying a ready meal or pre-chopped and packaged melon or pineapple and actually make a quick 10 minute meal or buy a melon or pineapple (be sure to avoid overcooking the foods).
And here's your final tip - shop around the outer aisles in the supermarket (where you find all of the fresh / wholefoods) and skip where possible the middle aisles.